Sons of Utah Pioneers — Eagle Rock Chapter
To join, or renew, attend one of our monthly meetings held 3rd Monday of each month, or contact Jeff for more information at:
Help us grow and keep the great Pioneer Heritage alive for generations to come.
To renew your chapter membership
make your $30 check payable to:
Eagle Rock Chapter SUP
then mail check, and this FORM, to:
Eagle Rock Chapter
5385 Jolyn Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Chapter Business
Guest Presenter
His topic had to do with Lab Grown Diamonds. We’ve seen them advertised but are they the same or as good?
Scott says yes, and yes.Chapter Business
Guest Speakers
Chapter Business
We want to welcome Roger Dye to the Eagle Rock Chapter Board as our Chapter Historian who will consolidate and publish the history of the chapter, our monuments, and events.
Kudos to Roger for printing our chapter logo on the sign we used as a backdrop for member photos.
Guest Speakers
They shared some of their Temple experiences in the short video below.
Ana agreed to sing for us, “Families Can Be Together Forever” in Portuguese.
At the conclusion of the Rossi’s presentation, Lynn presented them a Certificate of appreciation, a medalion, and a copy of the “Pioneer Magazine”. We then closed with prayer, visited, and had lunch.
The remainder of the meeting we sang Christmas Carols,
and watched a Christmas Concert Video —
“Hugh Bonneville Christmas Concert Narration
It is Well with My Soul
with The Tabernacle Choir”
and closed out the meeting after sharing some personal stories and experiences.
Guest Speaker
Our Guest Speaker for this month was Steve Schellenberg who presented a personal history on the role Hammers and Schellenbergs had in the Shelley/Woodville areas. No kings, queens, or lords in their ancestry. He spoke briefly regarding his 3rd great-grandfather, Austin Hammer who died October 30th, 1868 at Hawns Mill.
The new officers will be sworn in at our December 16th luncheon to begin serving January 1st.
Guest Speaker
Roger Dye, from Firth, Idaho, was our Guest Speaker. He presented local history on Firth and surrounding area. He spoke of early settlers and stages of growth, including the early narrow-guage RailRoad that ran north into Montana. A spur from that line would take you to West Yellowstone.
The Chapter Meeting/Luncheon will be held
April 20th
10:00 a.m.
Smitty’s Pancake House
645 W Broadway, Idaho Falls
Guest Speaker:
The Eagle Rock Chapter has need of past issues of the Pioneer Magazine published by the Sons of Utah Pioneers.
If you have any and are wondering what to do with them, bring them to the next Chapter Meeting, or let us know via email to:,
and donate them to the Chapter.
Wahoo! The Buggy was moved to the Barn at Snake River Homestead Park west of Shelley.
We still need to upholster the seat and get the bows and top installed.
At our November Luncheon, Mel Wardell expressed his appreciation to those who have come and helped with this renovation project.
Below are photos showing the progress over time.